Voras Village

Basic Information
Tribe | Voras |
Clan | Rava |
Territory | Southern Jungle, Golmore |
Tongue | Vieran (Old Ravan dialect) |
Religion | Animism |
Governance | Law Speakers, Elder Council |
The Voras tribe can trace their lineages back thousands of years and hundreds of generations, nestled safely between the waters of the twin rivers of the Golmore jungle. As such, they have a rich cultural history and a number of traditions that shapes their way of life and influences their outlook on the world.
Alliances & enemies
The Voras generally disregard other neighboring tribes and have a strict non-intervention policy in their affairs; though they make an exception with their Bysnoe tribe neighbors in a concerted effort to maintain protection closer to home.Warders of the Voras tribe are expected to treat the Bysnoe tribesmen with respect, share resources, and even partner to train with them, while Voras women are sometimes paired with Bysnoe men at the behest of elders of the village to solidify a genetic bond between the two tribes.ENEMIES
The only enemies to speak of for the Voras are their hostile Vile neighbors to the north. However, the origin of the feud between the tribes is a story so old that the particular details have been largely lost to time.
Beyond their borders
As with all Viera, the Voras eschew contact with the world outside their borders. All non- Viera races are seen as "lesser" in the eyes of the Voras in every regard. However, their hyper focus on pure Ravan bloodlines also extends this discriminatory belief to their native kin, the Veena.Coupling and producing offspring with those not of Ravan descent is strictly forbidden by Voras law.

The Voras tribe is a village located in the middle of “Twin Tongue River” in the southern region of the Golmore Jungle.
It lies adjacent to the much larger Bysnoe tribe and just a few miles from the border of the Garlean controlled port city of Valnain.
Although they are considered to be a medium sized tribe, The Voras clan is moderately larger than most middling tribes in the area, though still too small in population to be considered “large”. This is due to the village’s vigorous promotion of continuous breeding practices.
The Voras have a deep affinity for medicinal curatives in the form of plant based salves as well as effective therapeutics for mist related ailments.
Though all Rava villages house their own salve makers and healers, the Voras are known in their region for their exceptionally superior skills in the art.Due to their exclusionary social culture, they are strictly forbidden from sharing the secrets to their skills with anyone outside the tribe and are often times even further limited to sharing certain knowledge with only those who choose to walk the salve-maker's path.
Punishments for disclosing such information to anyone outside the village or outside the approved circle are severe.

BOTANY: The salve makers of the Voras tribe are exceptionally knowledgeable on flora in the Golmore region and some have even gained knowledge on more exotic plants through trading with neighboring tribes (though mostly in secret). This, coupled with an affinity for mist manipulation, makes the Voras tribe second to none in their medicinal supply trade.JEWEL CRAFTING: Though not their primary area of expertise, or even primary trade, the Voras tribe pride themselves on producing unique jewelry pieces crafted from all sorts of different materials with intricate designs that are pleasing to the eye.
Political System
Law Speakers are comprised of five elders. Five members are required to prevent any deadlocks in decision making. Their function is to interpret and carry out the will of the wood for the betterment of the village, though they are susceptible to pursuing their own interests at times. Traditionally, each member has had ancestorial ties to the tribes original founders and have gained their positions through birthright and will hold it for the remainder of their lives. Each elder must name a successor in the event of any sudden passing if no biological heir exists, though the situation has never occurred in recorded history.
The Vorasi practice a form of animism, that stresses the importance of continuous gestures of veneration to the wood itself.
These gestures can be grand or small, though it is believed by the Voras that breathing new life into the wood (procreation) and adherence to its laws as interpreted by the law speakers is the best way to ensure the wood looks upon them with favor.Though the wood grants many 'gifts' upon the tribe, (such as protection from disease and affinity for mist manipulation magics), none is a greater honor to receive than for a mother to be blessed with conceiving twin children. Whether fraternal or identical, the occurrence is regarded as a sign of the wood's desire for their people to thrive.

Social Norms
Preserving the integrity of Ravan traditions of old is seen as the overarching law of the Voras tribe. As such, adherence to those traditions are held in high regard with swift and often times harsh punishments for willful disobedience.🌿Females are required to bear at least one offspring during their lifetime. Extenuating circumstances such as the very rare possibility of infertility and the pursuant of a salve-maker apprenticeship are generally excused, and the female is allowed to tend to other duties that will benefit the tribe.
Women are treated exceptionally well during their pregnancies and are praised for their efforts in bolstering the lineage of the tribe.CORE VALUES:
🌿Selflessness: Placing the importance of the collective above the individual is regarded as an act of service and honor to the wood.🌿Strict adherence to the will of the wood (as interpreted by the Law Speakers): though all can hear the wood speak to them, it is the duty of the Law Speakers to interpret its will and put that will into action. It is socially frowned upon to question the Law Speaker’s authority.🌿Emotional restraint: It is believed that emotions can cloud the mind and tempt others away from following the will of the wood. Though they are not forbidden from outwardly expressing emotions, it is generally frowned upon to overindulge in overly expressive gestures. Stoicism is generally a preferred trait among tribesmen and women.
🌿Willful disregard of the Law Speaker's decree.🌿 Intervention into the affairs of other non-allied tribes or tribe affiliated warders.🌿Trade of goods or information to unapproved neighboring tribes.🌿Voras women are not allowed to mate with non-Ravan men. Some leniency is permitted for interbreeding with other approved Ravan tribes to preserve genetic integrity.🌿Homosexuality for both men and women is socially frowned upon as it is not conducive to procreation, but is not necessarily forbidden. So long as each fulfills their role in breathing new life into the wood, same sex relations are often overlooked.CELEBRATED BEHAVIORS
🌿Service and personal sacrifice for the betterment of the tribe
🌿Willful preservation of traditions and values
The content contained on this site is strictly for entertainment purposes and in no way reflects any of the values or beliefs of its author.Furthermore, any information provided on this site is mostly head cannon with inspiration provided by other collaborators, non-cannon fanon sites, and loose interpretations of the lore provided by Square Enix.
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